
Monday, August 30, 2010

The First Month On The Diet

        I'm sorry I didn't write a lot during this month, but I thought of just writing a blog post at the end of each month so that way you can read what happened to me this whole month.
 Our first step of the GAPS Diet is going the whole first day on soup. Just soup. That helped my body so much because my body is so used to having a lot of sugar. I stayed in range with my blood sugars the whole entire day without one slip up. My Lantus that night was I think 5.5 units with no Novolog all day. 4 days before this I went low to 55 or 65 stuff like that.

 After the soup day I started eating nuts and stuff again. But little did I know that soon we would be taking nuts out of the diet too. I was the first one to take out the almonds and cashews because they were sending me sky high - when I say sky high I mean my blood sugar went to the 200s and just stayed there for about a week and a 1/2 and never got in range no matter what we dosed. We soon figured out that after we took off of nuts I needed something in its place. So we put kefir in and goat milk yogurt with vanilla extract and cinnamon and stevia and I'd mix it around with a spoon and drink it. But we took that out of the diet 4 1/2 days after we put it on the diet.
 Once we took the goat milk kefir and yogurt out I still hovered around 200. So we decided to up my Lantus. It worked for a little while when I had veggie stir fries all day and soup and plain coconut creme concentrate (YUM.) Then I started going low in the middle of the day and in the middle of the night and in the morning. My lantus is now down to 7 units.
The day before yesterday we had a friend who is a butcher come over and cook for us all day long (he is from england and I really really like his accent.) He taught me how to cut courgette, carrots, onion, and cabbage. We helped him cook some really good stuff like Chicken Casserole, Mexican Chicken, and really really good veggie soup.
 Just yesterday I got my own kitchen knife and cutting board. And our friend  said that he would love for us (me and my sister, Kaitlyn) to come over to his house soon and cook for my family before hand and then have them come over and eat.
So it definitely worked out that we took out the stuff that I crave (if you crave anything on this diet you need to take it out of your eating.)I'll talk to you next month (or earlier) and tell you what has been going on.
GO DIABETES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GO DIET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!