We all have a journey. Whether it's good or bad, I have no idea, but, there's no other way to say it. We all have a journey.
I think that all journeys start at birth. It’s the pathway to a brand new life, therefore a pathway to a brand new journey. As a baby, the only things you think about are eating, sleeping, and every once in a while, going to the bathroom in your diapers. As you grow older, you start to think about eating sleeping, and going to the bathroom NOT in your diapers because you've been watching the dogs too much.
But once you get to a certain age, you start to go to school, to get education. After that you get to elementary, where all the kids are friendly and are easy to make friends with. Then before you know it, it comes the stage of middle school that is definite peer pressure. Or when you start to drive a car and get stuck behind this slow old grandma and grandpa (no offence to the older ones who are reading this.) Or maybe yours is like mine, tiny lessons fit in to the long and hardworking journey. These are just a few examples of journeys, mine however lies beyond the cold school brick walls filled with fish glitter paintings that you drew in 2nd grade. Far beyond.
Sure, my journey is near a school, and I went to it. But, it wasn't my school that I would remember in Colorado, it was my house. And in that house lay my memories of elementary school, on the table and scattered on the ground around the front door as we walked home from the bus stop. Sure, I can still remember the times I would get in trouble and how the lumps ever so slowly rose in my throat. Sure, I can still remember the times where I would be so proud of my smiley faces on my papers and show it to my friends, trying not to let the teacher see. But compared to the journey that involve my family and my health that lie asleep in my house, the memories of school are just a mirage of what lies behind it. Mold.
That is my journey. I know you're thinking that the journey is just fighting mold and that I'll get better soon and that a new journey will arise. But it won't. At least, not yet. I still have a long path to follow, and whether I stray to the right or left, I won't know until the occasion will pop its head up.
The good thing about a journey is that when one ends you can always count on a new one taking its place. The journey may be a long and grueling one, like the one me and my family are enduring, or it may be a short little experience that will remind you of the lesson learned that you could use in your abundant journey.
We all have a journey, there's no other way to say it. Whether it's good or bad, you and I will never know, until the journey shows you the way. The journey is your life. Be careful how you lead it, or be careful how it leads you.